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Senior Citizens Safety Tips
Personal Safety
If you are a senior citizen you may experience both physical and mental slowdowns simply from the aging process. This can put your personal safety needs in jeopardy for many reasons. If you are at risk for falling or have a chronic illness that may require urgent medical attention, getting a health monitoring system may help you feel safe. A health monitoring system similar to Life Alert will sound for help if you have fallen or are unable to talk due to a head injury or stroke. Most systems are portable and can be worn as a necklace or bracelet. Once the button is pressed, emergency personnel or the primary caregiver is immediately notified and contact is made with the client. Others such as WHMS or wearable health monitoring systems, alert medical personnel of any changes in the body via sensors.

Living alone as a senior citizen may also open your home to intruders. Predators may be on alert to prey on those who can't fight back or who may be willing to open their doors to strangers. Having a good neighborhood support system will allow you to have an extra set of eyes on your house in case is suspicious activity takes place.

Fraud Awareness
As a senior citizen you may be at a greater risk for being taken advantage of by relatives or con artists. The Federal Bureau of Investigation explains that some senior citizens were raised to have very trusting as well as friendly and polite personality traits. This puts them at risk to be exploited and conned into giving others money or personal information such as birth dates and social security numbers. If you find yourself being approached by a stranger who asks personal information or asks you to participate in a free drawing or contest, never give out your personal information and do not sign your name to anything unless you know the business or the person. If in doubt take their information and discuss it with your family or attorney before making a decision.

Elder Abuse
Elder abuse is a serious crime that affects the victim physically and emotionally. Elder abuse can occur in a nursing home, by a home health aide, acquaintance, stranger or sadly, by your own family members. Be diligent if a caregiver makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't be afraid to ask for someone else to assist you rather than that caregiver. Medline Plus defines elder abuse as doing something or failing to do something to a senior citizen that results in harm to them or puts them in imminent danger. This could happen if someone who is caring for you steals your money, property, credit or personal belongings. Neglecting you physically by withholding food, medicine or failing to assist you with general hygiene also constitutes as abuse. Physically assaulting you by hitting, punching or bruising you is also something that should not be tolerated. Be sure to tell someone you trust about your abusive situation or call law enforcement immediately.
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